The Daily Stillness Free Meditation Course

A 30 Day Meditation App by The Gym Starter

Daily Calm Free Meditation App

What is “The Daily Stillness”?

Really simply, I will email you every day with a Meditation to do for 10-15 minutes. They are all recorded by myself, produced by myself and are designed to help you calm the mind, and help you find some space in your busy life to help you build the habit of finding time for you.

They will help you create affirmations in your Daily Life to help you build your confidence, focus on strength, reduce anxiety, and promote a sense of self-love and wellbeing.

They are also designed to help you with your fitness journey, by helping you to heal and investigate some of the things that might be holding you back from where you want to be.

What Do I Get In The Daily Stillness?

An email every day with a link to that day’s Meditation.

The Meditations are broken up into 5-day mini-courses.

Day 1-5: Centering The Breath

Day 6-10: Drifting off to Sleep

Day 11-15: Creating Consistency in your Behaviour

Day 16-20: Building Self Esteem

Day 21-25: Healing Your Inner Self

Day 26-30: Managing Anxiety and Stress

Each day comes with daily affirmations and quotes to help guide your thoughts and find your inner strength, confidence, and self-esteem. The Meditations focus on stillness, self-love, self-confidence and success to help you in all aspects of life from love to weight loss.

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Why Have You Done The Daily Stillness?

In 2020 I ran a Daily Calm Challenge for my clients and it was amazing to me how many of them needed it. The feedback I received from it was amazing, and I honestly believe that being able to take 10-15mins a day for yourself can give you the true gift of being in the present. The work on affirmations and working on the self also gave my clients a true sense of long-term well-being towards their goals.

I wanted to run this Challenge for my online clients on The Strong and Confident Program, as exploring slowing down and giving yourself more time and space in a day, is a really useful tool to help repair your relationships with food, movement and therefore the self.

However building the ability to do that takes time, and can feel uncomfortable at times. I wanted to do this, to help them and you, practice how to find that peace in your life - as practice can make progress.

And progress is all you should ever hope to achieve in your wellness journey.

How Much Does The Daily Stillness Cost?

Its totally free.

How Do I Sign Up For The Daily Stillness?

Just put your email in below and you will receive one email introducing you and then the first meditation will be sent straight to you.

I’m Not Sure If It’s For Me?

That’s ok. You can unsubscribe at any time from the emails if you aren’t enjoying The Daily Stillness App.

But to give you a quick feel for what it is like, here are Days 1 & 2 which I have on my YouTube Channel.

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